2024 Goals

  1. 🎄 Finish Code avent of 2023. I need to figure out what prepare in advance.
  2. 📚 Finish reading and summarize 6 tech books.
  3. ♾️ Relearn Probability and statistics
  4. 🧮 Relearn calculus
  5. 🎰 Built a project in new language. In Rust or Zig or Crystal, I prefer something supports webasm.
  6. 🏋️ Loose weight, to 75kg at the end of 2024.
  7. 📖 Read and summary 4 novels, in english.
  8. 🏆 Get a certificate of ML or Cloud Devops.
  9. 👨🏻‍💻 Hosting an elixir workshop

Set and Setting

Revise some goal setting related


Why do we set goals? Why do we need to follow up?
Having goals is a good way to focus attention on the things that are important. It allows us to create a vision of how we would like our life to be. When we have a goal, we tend to increase the amount of time and effort we spend on an activity, and develop effective strategies to achieve that goal.

[WIP] Answer why on each goal.

  1. 🎄
  2. 📚
  3. ♾️
  4. 🧮
  5. 🎰
  6. 🏋️
  7. 📖
  8. 🏆
  9. 👨🏻‍💻

What is a good goal?

Some questions to concern:

  • Does goal SMART enough? I usually convern of measureable, to me, it’s the most important to achieve.
  • Does it an OKR goal?
  • The objective 100% in our control or not? “Being a senior developer” is different from “Exhibit behavior of senior developer”
  • Goal could be break into checklist?
  • How do we track goal progress?
  • Action is recurring or one off?
  • Is it feeling, like: “Confident to present in a meeting”?
  • Does it align with company goals?
  • Does it align with personal growth or hobbies: Mental health, physic health, networkings, social…?
  • Which changes will help you significant improve?
  • What blocked you from moving faster, better in daily tasks?

Remember: There’s no right or wrong, chose which is helpful.


Get started with your focus area, look back last incompleted goals. Some questions need to answer:

  • What will I be in next 1 year? 5 years?
  • What which role/position I want to be in next 1 year? 3 year?
  • What do I want to be celebrating in next 1 year?
  • On the road to achieve X, how close am I to the destination?
  • Follow up at https://github.com/anvox/anvox.github.io/issues/1